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Selected Poems of Myra Cohn Livingston


Myra Cohn Livingston was born in Omaha, Nebraska, on August 17, 1926. In 1946, her first poem, "Whispers," was published in Story Parade magazine. In 1961, Mrs. Livingston helped to found a society called The Southern California Council on Literature for Children and Young People, advocating an increased awareness of children's literature and promoting standards of excellence. Today, this Council gives a Myra Cohn Livingston Award for Poetry each year. Myra Cohn Livingston died of cancer on August 23, 1996, at her home in Beverly Hills.

List of Poems


When it was time
for Show and Tell,
Adam brought a big pink shell.

He told about
the ocean roar
and walking on the sandy shore.

And then he passed
the shell around.
We listened to the water sound.

And that's the first time
I could hear
the wild waves calling to my ear.

[Listen to the poem Shell.]


January shivers,
February shines,
March blows off
the winter ice,
April makes the
mornings nice,
May is hopscotch lines.

June is
deep blue swimming,
Picnics are July,
August is
my birthday,
September whistles by.

October is
for roller skates,
November is
the fireplace,
December is
the best because
of sleds
and snow
and Santa Claus.


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